Causes and Treatment Options for Leukemia

Causes and Treatment Options for Leukemia

When blood-forming cells in the body start growing cancerously, it is called leukemia. This can have an impact on the body’s immunity. Based on the severity of the condition and the rate at which it progresses, there are four main types of leukemia. This article lists the causes and treatment options for leukemia.

Causes of leukemia

  • Uncontrolled growth and multiplication of stem cells in bone marrow
    Stem cells start out as similar cells, but then multiply and grow to become myeloid cells or lymphoid cells. The former grow into red blood cells, and the latter grow into white blood cells. When the growth of the stem cells doesn’t stop as in normal cases, it is called leukemia. Based on the cells affected, myeloid and lymphocytic leukemia are caused.
  • DNA level alteration
    The irregular growth of blood-forming cells could be due to genetic changes. Mutations in the bone marrow cells cause the growth suppressor genes to fail. Therefore, the cells do not stop growing and multiplying. This mutation can be transferred to all the cells originating from that single mutated bone marrow cell. This is when the condition progresses, affecting more organs.
  • Viral infections
    People with viral infections like HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection and human T-lymphotropic virus infection are at higher risk of leukemia. This can affect the bone marrow cells responsible for immunity, namely the lymphocytes or white blood cells.
  • Chemicals and radiations
    Exposure to some harmful radiation is one of the strongest causes of this type of cancer. Some hair dyes contain harmful chemicals that increase cancer risk. Benzene is a petrochemical ingredient that is also known to aggravate the leukemia risks. Sometimes, this cancer could also result from exposure to ionizing radiation or some forms of chemotherapy adopted as a treatment for other types of cancer.

Treatment options for leukemia patients
It is imperative for people with a family history of cancer to know about the causes and treatment options for leukemia. The following are the most effective treatment options for leukemia chosen based on the stage of development and the type of leukemia.

  • Biological therapy for leukemia
    This is the type of treatment that aims to restore the efficiency of the body’s immune system, so it is also called immunotherapy.
  • Chemotherapy
    This involves the use of cancer treatment drugs to stop the progress of cancerous growth. In chemotherapy, these drugs are intravenously injected.
  • Radiation therapy
    The use of radiation to target and destroy cancerous cells is called radiation therapy. This is known to have quick results, and it rapidly stops cancer from spreading.

When you know about the causes and treatment options for leukemia, you can help yourself or anyone else suffering from this condition. Identifying the condition early can easily prevent the cancerous growth from spreading to the other cells.